How an Experienced Implant Dentist Can Improve Your Smile

Implant Dentist Hollywood, FL

Looking for an implant dentist? Experienced implant dentists have years of experience helping patients replace missing teeth. Many implant patients report feeling much better about their smile and overall self-esteem after treatment, and understanding the more notable benefits of dental implants can help you make a knowledgable decision about treatment.

The benefits of dental implants

When visiting an experienced implant dentist, rather than one who is inexperienced, patients typically feel more comfortable and often receive better guidance and overall treatment throughout the process. There are cosmetic, oral health, and functional benefits of dental implants, which we discuss in this review.

A more attractive appearance

One main reason patients with missing teeth seek dental implants is to improve their appearance. Many who experience tooth loss feel insecure when they smile, and an implant dentist can help patients restore their smiles and give them a full set of teeth to show off. Attached to the dental implant is either a crown, bridge, or denture, depending on the number of teeth that are being replaced. The replacement teeth look like natural teeth and are not removable, which means there is little to no risk of them getting loose or falling out.

The ability to eat most foods

In addition to the cosmetic benefits, there are also functional and oral health advantages that dental implants offer. With traditional dentures, there are typically more food restrictions due to the risk of dentures becoming loose from chewing tough foods and many patients finding it harder to chew with dentures. Dental implants feel and function similarly to natural teeth, making it easy for patients to eat the foods they enjoy the most, which may include steak, corn on the cob, and much more.

Prevents bone loss in the jaw

Perhaps the most unique benefit dental implants offer that other types of teeth replacement do not is the ability to preserve jaw bone health. Once tooth loss occurs, the bone inside of the jaw loses a major part of its purpose, which is to support teeth. Subsequently, bone atrophy often occurs, resulting in a jaw that may look sunken. Fixed dental bridges (attached to other teeth) and removable dentures that rest upon the gums do not address this concern. However, since dental implants serve a similar function as the natural bone with natural teeth, bone loss in the jaw is preserved.

Long-term durability and strength

Dental implants from an implant dentist can last for 20 or more years with proper care. This is significantly longer than alternative solutions such as fixed bridges and removable dentures. Also, dental implants are permanently fixed, so the patient can have confidence in their appearance, knowing that they are not going to come loose or fall out at an unexpected time.

Get in touch with our experienced implant dentist today

You can learn more about dental implants by contacting our experienced team today. We take pride in helping patients improve their appearance, oral health, and mouth function, guiding you through every step of the process.

Request an appointment here: or call Hollywood Smiles Family Dentistry at (954) 368-9038 for an appointment in our Hollywood office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Dentist in Hollywood, FL.

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