Can I Play Sports With Dental Implants?

Dental Implants Hollywood, FL

Dentists generally recommend dental implants as a natural choice for replacing missing teeth. If you play sports regularly, especially contact sports, you may be worried about continued participation after having your lost teeth replaced. This article covers what you need to know about playing sports with dental implants.

The risk of tooth damages

Every sport has required skills, levels of fitness and risks for participants. Some are riskier than others, but even seemingly less risky sports can result in injuries such as broken bones or broken or knocked-out teeth.

Although the levels of risk associated with different sports vary, it is ultimately up to the participants to protect their teeth. In some sports, like boxing, the use of mouthguards is necessary. In others, such as cricket, the risk of damage to the teeth is considerably lower. Football lies somewhere in between. Although many people will play for many years without injury to their mouth, there is always a chance of getting hit in the teeth by a ball or stray elbow, causing severe damage.

Many people who decide not to get a mouth guard may lose a tooth or two when participating in sports that have the risk of collision. Although tooth loss or damage can be disorienting for anyone, sportspeople need to decide specifically on the most optimal way to restore a lost tooth based on their active lifestyle.

Dental implants are like natural teeth, which means they can suffer damage if dealt with significant force. Although the denture supported by the implant can be repaired or replaced, any damage to the titanium implant or the supporting bone can cause complete failure of the denture implant. Even if the patient seeks a replacement, the process may be slightly complicated and may need a bone graft, depending on the extent of damage to the bone.

Obtain a mouthguard

Generally, most of the sports that pose serious risks have specific age requirements. Considering this and the cost of the dental implant procedure, it is advisable to wear a protective mouthguard over the teeth. The dentist can recommend and fit patients with custom mouthguards for dental protection during sporting activities.

Traditional dentures are a low-risk teeth-replacement method for people who play sports. It can be considered when patients do not want an invasive option. They are not as strong and stable as denture implants, but patients can easily slip them out before a game and replace them afterward.

The bottom line

There is no universal option when it comes to choosing the right teeth replacement option. The dentist will provide professional advice, but patients have the ultimate choice of the solution, which usually depends on their specific condition. If you participate in sports and want dental implants, you can talk to the dentist about the best way to protect your teeth. Contact the dental office to book an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Hollywood Smiles Family Dentistry at (954) 368-9038 for an appointment in our Hollywood office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Implants in Hollywood, FL.

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